Tuesday, April 19, 2011


  • Well, om Monday we went to see the marriage councelour....... I was so terrified..... Opening up to a stranger? Phew, tall order for me who keeps everything to myself.

  • It was actually fine, no monster jumping out from behind the couch and biting my head off.

  • I opened up and let out sooooo many stuff that was in there. It felt lebberated!

  • She also told me that I have to get myself healed before I cam move on.....

  • So he was not very impressed, but there is nothing that he can do to change my mind!

  • i have NEVER felt so headstrong and focussed on what I need and what I want to do!

Now, this morning when i left the house to go and meet my scrapbuddies, I was on such a high!!!! I was singing and dancing(yes) in the car on my way to the class! I got some funny glances, but WTH I don't dive a damn!

I have life back, I feel on top of the world and on cloud nr9! And it is all because of one appointment!

  • Now back to Mr Bushwacker..... He is constantly on my mind! If I hear his chime on my phone, I start getting the shakes! Good shakes!

  • I can see us doing all this nice things together, like normal day to day stuff!

  • Making a herb garden for nice food, creating dishes in the kitchen, playing with our kids in the pool and out in the backyard....

  • Going for walks on the beach, with the kids playing in the waves, dogs running wild......

  • hugging each other, in the sunset on the beach

  • Kissing him under the shining moon!

  • What more can a girl want? He makes my heart beat, to the same rythm as his heart!

  • He touches my hand and I feel like I'm on fire........

  • My heart skips a beat when I here him on the other side of the phone

  • I find him the most sexy man I have ever laid my eyes(and hands) on...... because he 'gets' me

  • I don't have to be someone I'm not, I can just breath around him!

  • For years I have had so many defences built up around me, but wih one look he broke them all down! With one dance I was al his! No doubt about that!

  • My everything belongs to him!!!!!!!

  • I love him eternally!

Well that"s all for now.........

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