Friday, April 15, 2011

And so it all began........

This blog is more for myself than anybody else...... to document where no-one knows of me. My (our) story, begins at where I am at the age of 10. I had this attraction, name it magical, for my cuz...... That's something hey..... Well, it turned out he felt the same'magic'. We ended up one year being 'kissing cousins'! Our aunt caught us once in the caravan and said that 'you should not be doing that'. Well, that did not stop us...... We were just children and were on family vacation over Christmas and boy did we have a ball! Now, jump ahead a few years....... As we grew older, we knew that this is a very taboo subject, and something that is just not done. He got married, I got married.... Both of us twice...... We have seen each other a few times over the years, but has always kept back that magical feeling, cause it's just not done. Now we get to two weeks ago....... I was walking in a Mall with my mother and sister and all of a sudden I picked up he was going to walk past me...... Instinctively I grabbed his arm as he passed me. He saw me and gave me a hug and quick kiss like cousins do....... BUT I could feel the magic! I was all jittery and excited, OMW, what was going on? Now just remember, I am still married..... But my husband and I are having problems....... I get an sms asking if his got the right number.... and I say yes! And by the way, you are looking good! Well, one sms led to another and as we say, the rest is history! Now I was going to sleep over at my mom, and we are chatting up a storm via sms...... So I convinced my sis and her hubby to go out for the evening. And so I also tell him that we might be going out, and that he is more than welcome to join us if he wants to. Well, that was the beginning of this whole story! As soon as I laid eyes on him in that bar, my whole body started buzzing and all the magic just came out! While picking up my Savanna, my fingers brushed onto his and I knew I was in deep SHIT!!!!!! I was like a very naughty teenager..... But, you know what, I could swear I see him react to me too...... When we eventually got to the tiny dancefloor, it was over and done with! The electricity was so bouncing between us, that we could help ESKOM and supply all the African lands! I was fighting my feelings bigtime, and the more I did that, the deeper I got stuck! After that we decided to go to another danceplace and there it was just the same, but even more electricity! My sis and her hubby wanted to go home, and I desperately wanted to dance some more...... and so did he! So I turned on all my psycological charm and told my brother-in-law that if he really wants to go home, I can not stop him, but it really would be nice if we could 'kuier' some more. Well on our way 'home' I get an sms to say that he had a nice time and was wishing that we could also join him some more...... And then my brother-in-law decides that we could just as well go have some more fun! Oh boy! I was over the moon!!!!! As we came down the road my cuz was just heading for the door to go in at the club, and he looked up and i could see the reaction in his eyes! Bloody hell, I was excited like I have never felt before!!!!!!! So this is where the fun begins, because we started 'langarm' dancing, and I knew it was to late to turn back! I felt alive in his arms....... He awakened senses in me that I did not even know I had! I floated in his arms, and he smelled so sexy!!!!!!! We did not have to say what we were felling....... And we had a whale of a time!!!!!! So this is difficult to grasp, but after all these years we still feel the same. Ok, so we have been sms'ing, e-mailing, kissing, making passionate love OMG!!!! The stuff that movies are made off....... He has been in and out of the country... And each day our feelings are just getting stronger for each other! When Destiny has a date with you, she will find you!!

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