Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's been so long........

Oh My Word!!!!!!! Such a lot has happened since i wrote something here!!!! Well, i don't even know what to say!

It was my daughters birthday in May...... In July we (me and Mr Bushwacker) moved in together, in a awesome house! I was in Mosambique, then Zimbabwe and in Inhambane........ All before we moved in together!

I got divorced also and so now we are together without anything standing in our way! I am so happy!!!! I have met the one that makes me whole, that completes me! We like the same things, we start our sentences and then they are the same, we think of the same stuff at the same time! How awesome is that!? To be so in tune with the one you love??????

I love it when he works at home...... Just to watch him while he works and how to see how pasionate he is about what he does! I know that he is THE one I want to grow old with !!!!!!

Off course there is always some curveballs coming our way, with ex spouses and children thrown in, but as long as we are standing together and always has each others backs, we are strong!!!! Sometimes I do feel a bit left out where his children is concerned, but that will also get better!

I have so much to write, but I have so much to do too....... I am going to make us some nice breakfast now...... I am so excited about this weekend as we are alone a bit..... no kids(or so I hope), just spending some time alone! I crave to just be with him all the time!!!!! I just want to breath him in and keep all of him to myself! Is that maybe a bit selfish??????

Well see you later my friend!!!!!!!!