Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Come and gone......

Well, he came back early........and left again yesterday(9th May). Man, we had a busy, awesome time......

  • I met all his friends.....At the Palms(very nice restaurant) On the Wednesday night he cam back(27th April)

  • I met so may people over about 2 weeks, that I am still trying to put them all together!

  • He would have come back only on the 29th, but hey, I had him an extra 2 days!

  • On Sunday the 1st May we went to Doodles..... Man, that was an awesome night! there I met all the other friends I still havn't met yet!

  • Our first 'couples' pics was taken too...... STUNNING!!!!!!

  • On Monday morning....... We had to tell his parents about us as they came home early.....

  • That went fine....... But on my side it was much more difficult!

  • On the 4th we actually found our house!!!!! Can you believe it???? First house we walked into, and it is as if it wasmade for us!

  • We showed our kids and they also liked it......

  • Then it was the big work function on the 5th..... In Paarl..... What a night!

  • And then our first problems started..... with the kids being overwhelmed........ So, we stepped back and took stock..... We decided to spend some time with our respective children and man, I felt like a child wanting to through a huge tantrum!!!!!

  • It was bad not being with him knowing that our time is short before he has to flyout again!

  • But, our children needed us first! And thatis just what we did!

  • So on Saturday morning I took my daughter to my mom, because we had tickets to go and see The Stormers play on Newlands!!!!! My first time ever there!!!!! It was something you can't explain to someone else if they haven't been there!!!!!!

  • Then, he booked us in a hotel, and we ended up just staying in, and being together!!!!

  • Best thing that we did.......

  • We went to pick up my daughter and then went to Canal Walk and home again. And that evening we went out again.....

  • Monday morning saw us picking up his passport and then we spent a last little quality time together!

Man, driving away there nearly broke my heart! Luckily I could keep my tears in till after he past me with is car!

It has been a wirlwind few days, and inbetween I told my husband as well that I am seeing someone else...... So, now I am trying to get all my stuff packed up, and ready to move.....

I love this man so much! I would lay my life down in a heartbeat for him! We breath as one, our hearts beat as one, and we have so much passion and electricity together.......

9 Weeks is a long strech, but luckily we will have a holiday inbetween all of this!

He is safe in Deepest Darkest Africa again, my Mr Bushwacker reporting for duty again!